This type of card is very useful to know some important information:
How many guests can make it on your big day?
What dietary requirements do your guests have (if they have an allergic reaction to any food or they might prefer a vegetarian meal.
This Card is usually printed in colour on both sides. Either portrait or landscape. We can also preprint your RSVP envelope with your address so your RSVP card will be printed on only one side and guests can send their card more securely.
For the back, you will need to include the couple’s names and addresses so guests can post it back and all the options you need your guest to answer you for the celebration day.
Attendance for the Day 1 and 2
Dietary Requirements
Give an option for your guests to choose a song they might like to hear on the night.
Have a look at the images selected here for you to have an idea. See some wording samples here.
Other sizes available: Single card: 135mmx85mm | A6 | Square
RSVP Styles available:
Small RSVP Postcard (135mm x 85mm)
A6 RSVP Postcard (105 x 148 mm)
Perforated RSVP Postcard (100 x 148 mm)
Numbered RSVP Postcard (105 x 148 mm / 135 x 85mm)